Cheese grits are a Southern tradition. Paula shares an easy cheesy grits recipe that's perfect for any meal. Cheddar, and milk make this a creamy treat...
Enhance the flavor of your chili with chocolate. Make this recipe for dinner tonight. Ground beef combined with cocoa powder, jalapenos and more. You're...
Twice Baked Spinach and Goat's Cheese Soufflés: This tasty vegetarian main can easily be doubled. Make sure you use a baking dish that's just big enough...
The best Swedish meatballs recipe ever! Season ground beef and pork with nutmeg and cardamom, then serve with creamy Swedish meatballs sauce. Ikea meatballs...
Grab some Granny Smith (or other tart) apples and make this easy iron skillet apple cake. This is a rustic, lumpy, imperfect cake-which is my favorite...
Comfort food includes veggies especially when they are in this creamy, buttery casserole. Zucchini, corn, onion and bell pepper are blended with cheddar...
Looking for a simple and tasty classic English dish? Toad in the hole is the perfect solution! Whip up this recipe by baking sausage links in a simple...
Hearty Ham and Bean Soup, perfect for cold winter days! White beans, ham shanks, onions, celery, carrots, garlic, Tabasco, and herbs make this delicious...
Twice baked potato casserole is the delicious side dish you never knew you needed. The loaded baked potato casserole is great for the holidays, potlucks,...
Make the BEST meatloaf EVER with ground beef and pork sausage plus a base of minced carrots, onions, celery, and seasonings. Homemade meatloaf is a staple...
Instead of the usual (and expected) turkey sandwich, make this easy leftover turkey soup! It's the perfect way to use up your leftover Thanksgiving...
This is the best beef noodle casserole ever! My favorite recipe from my grandmother is this casserole with plenty of vegetables, ground beef, and egg noodles....
Candy cane cookies are made with a classic shortbread cookie dough, seasoned with a bit of peppermint and vanilla extract. They're the sweetest Christmas...
This classic goulash recipe from Paula Deen's son Bobby is a great dish on cold winter weather nights. Ingredients include lean ground beef, elbow macaroni...
This classic, savory Southern cornbread is just begging for a bowl of chili or a plate of ribs. Made with all cornmeal, straight buttermilk, and no added...
Such a satisfying combo! Italian sausages cooked with bell peppers, sweet onions, crushed tomatoes, and garlic. Served on a hoagie roll or over pasta or...
The next time you go apple picking, make this one-bowl rustic apple cake recipe your top priority. The secret ingredient: apple butter-not to be confused...
Turn your packaged corn muffin mix into a savory cornbread tonight. Just add in a sweet Vidalia onion, sharp cheddar, sour cream and dill. You'll never...
Buttered noodles with real Parmesan cheese and parsley are an easy and delicious recipe using pantry staples you already have on hand. Great for quick...
Shrimp Gumbo is like a trip to New Orleans without the plane ticket. The secret is in the slow-cooked roux - don't skip it! Serve with white rice for...
Tuna melts are easy to make at home! Make some tuna salad, sandwich with cheese, and grill on the stovetop until toasty. Makes a simple lunch or a light...
Buttery and crumbly, and just barely sweet, old-fashioned pecan sandies deserve a spot in your regular baking rotation, especially during holiday cookie...
Get your forks ready and dig into this Tex Mex take on the comfort food classic Shepherd's Pie. It's spicy, cheesy and loaded with chicken, beans, and...
Baked sweet potatoes are one of the easiest, crowd-pleasing side dishes. You can't beat the crispy skin the oven yields, especially when the potato is...